Thursday, April 24, 2014

Fragrance - Ingredients to Avoid #1

For all our new friends we want to share 
Ava's List of Ingredients to 

Let's start with #1 "FRAGRANCE" - chemical concoctions that are not required to be listed on the label, because manufacturers can legally hide hundreds of ingredients in “fragrance” (“parfum”) -

it is called “trade secret” in the industry. More than 75% of the time if you have fragrance, you have legally hidden phthalates (THAL ates) which are a known endocrine disruptors, and are linked with birth defects, breast cancer, infertility, liver, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and now with autism and ADHD in first and third trimesters of pregnancy by Dr. Philip Landrigan, Mt Sinai, Children’s Environmental Health Center.

The World Health Organization and UN released a joint report last spring that Endocrine disruptors. are a GLOBAL THREAT to fertility and the environment.

Post on my Facebook Page how you are avoiding "Fragrance" from your day:)  I will give away an Ava Essential Oil to the 24th

A Non Toxic Choice
Ava Anderson Non Toxic Essential Oils

Formulated with 100% pure essential oils from around the world. Unlike perfume and sprays (eau de toilettes) that contain 90% alcohol, our avaSCENT line has no harmful chemicals or alcohol. 

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