Wednesday, April 30, 2014

SXSWeco Speaker Panel Picker VOTE!

I need your HELP! I submitted my Idea to SXSWeco and well Now it's been put to a VOTE! The voting period on entries will begin on April 30 (Today) and end on May 16. Please help me get "Picked" to speak at SXSWeco! You can search by my name Serena Miranda or by the Title of the session "Educate our Youth in the Art of Label Reading" 
I am the underdog, and my experience is my life so far so please Vote and let's see if I get "Picked"! Pass it along to your Friends and Family please. Thanks for your support!
This is my entry proposal...

Educate our Youth in the Art of Label Reading

I am on a mission to help others educate children how to be proactive about the toxins in their everyday environment. Label reading is the beginning of the path to knowledge for our youth and changing the "fixed mindset' of, it's safe because the kids on the commercials use it or eat it. I would like to guide adults in the simple task of introducing children to reading the label then researching those hard to read words and how they affect ones body and mind. I am a mother of three children 8, 9, 10 yrs old and have been guiding them through this process of empowering them with knowledge.

Additional Supporting Materials

Questions Answered

  1. Can you make a distinction between toxin free and toxic ingredients and be willing to learn the difference?
  2. What would happen if we didn't assess the outcome of continuing to use products with toxins and could we as a community accept the responsibilities of those outcomes?
  3. How would you prioritize the products you use with toxins and demonstrate a commitment to eliminating these from your life?
  4. What conclusions can you draw from educating our youth in label reading and researching the ingredients of the products we use or eat daily?



Serena O'Gwin-Miranda A Toxin Free Life
- See more at:

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